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You will learn
  • How to be very encouraging to her during sex
  • How to make her feel less anxious and more open in sex
  • How to gently give her the knowledge she wants
  • How to support her developing her skills
  • How to avoid discomfort and pain for her

*This guide doesn't include any sexual techniques - it is only advice on communication.

If you partner has little sexual experience, then it is quite a special situation.

The woman may feel very insecure and worried that you won’t enjoy sex with her.

At the same time she will be shy to voice it or to ask for guidance.

During sex you may feel her as disconnected, passive, or even cold – but it’s not because she doesn’t like being with you.

It’s because she is paralyzed by her insecurity.

You will need to be encouraging her that she feels amazing, and that you enjoy being with her.

You will also need to be very encouraging and supportive of everything she does in sex.

You will need to make a positive space for teaching her some things.

She really needs your advice but she is afraid to ask.

You will need to suggest it in a way that is not intimidating for her.

Then you will need to give feedback and guide her in a way that doesn't come accross as criticising or pressuring.

You will need to build a culture of talking about your mutual experiences, so you can learn about each other.

You will need to make a positive and relaxed space for this for the two of you.

You also need to now how to deal with some physical discomfort that the woman can feel when she hasn't had much sex.

And you need to make her feel that her experience and preferences are just as important.

This can all be very delicate and she can be easily uncomfortable.

In this guide I give you specific advice how to make sure this all goes well. 


( *These guides come with a lot of techniques from Holistic Sex and will improve your sex beyond this problem. This is reflected in the price. This is also why you get a discount if you have already purchased Holistic Sex - just sign in.)

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